The Crazy Hat Box

there's a hat for that!

The Kids in the Car go…

We took a family vacation to Florida over the summer.  This was the first long trip we’ve taken since our youngest was born, and I was a little worried about how to keep a six-year-old and a 3-year-old entertained in the car for two days.  I looked for all kinds of ideas on the internet, talked to people who had taken long car trips with their kids, and then packed everything I could think of that might help at some point along the long road.

Being on the other side of that trip, I can honestly say that I packed entirely too much (but I always overpack, so that’s not really any different than usual).  I can also say that the number one thing that made our trip better was something so simple, it seems a little too simple.

A plain cookie sheet.

That’s it. With a plain cookie sheet, you can do so many activities in the car!  First, cookie sheets are magnetic, so I bought some trays and pencil boxes at the Dollar Store and put magnets on them to create crayon and marker containers that aren’t easily dropped and that don’t slip around!  I also bought magnetic clips at the Dollar Store to help hold papers in place.  The Dollar Store also had magnetic dry erase boards, and I even bought a Lego board and put magnets on it so that my oldest could play Legos in the car!



Just add coloring books, stickers, markers, crayons, and other craft supplies, and you’ve got everything you need!


The cookie sheets fit perfectly across the arms of the kids’ car seats, but could also be held vertically on their laps.


I even packed some play-doh, which worked great on the tray!


If you’re planning a long trip with kids, I highly recommend investing in a cookie sheet; it might save your sanity… or at least part of it.  Happy traveling!

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Dirty Cup Holders and Trashy-ness

I don’t know why, but the cup holders in my car get dirty fast.  They’re a pain in the you-know-what to clean too.  So, I came up with an easy solution.  Silicone cupcake holders.  Yep.  We found the 3″ size in the store, but we were pretty sure they would be too small.  So, we went on the hunt and this is what I ordered.

Cupholders2 Cupholders1

They fit nicely into my car and they are easy to just pull out and clean.  No more dirty cup holders.  On a side note, I picked those colors on purpose.  Go Chiefs!

Trash.  What to do with it in the car.  I tried several different trash cans that you buy for the car.  The collapsible one kept, well, collapsing.  I also tried the kind that hang from the back of your seat.  That’s fine if you are sitting in the back seat, but apparently they frown on you driving from the back.  It would also be fine if you had ‘go-go gadget’ arms.  I don’t though.  So, I saw this on one of those life-hack posts.  So I tried it.  I went to ‘The Dollar Tree’ and bought a cereal container.


There was a problem though.  It kept tipping over.  So, I added some weight to the bottom.

Trash 1

Then I put in a plastic bag, put the lid on and it’s been very handy.  Now, they will ‘never catch me ridin’ dirty’.


That’s enough about my trash.  Those are 2 little things I use in my car for a little more convenience.

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